Olive Boy
Wednesday 8th May 7.30pm
Tickets: Adult £13 - Conc & TheatreCard £11.50 - Under 25 £9

You're 15 years old, struggling through school and coming to terms with the early stages of adolescence. Things are tricky when you're growing up. You get dealt yet another devastating blow. But this time, it's worse. Your mum's passed away.
Now what?
Based on Ollie Maddigan’s real life story, “The Olive Boy" is a crude but compelling comedy written and performed by Ollie Maddigan himself. Initially introduced at the Hope Theatre in 2021, the show quickly gained attention during its three-night run as part of the Camden Fringe and then in 2022 as part of its month-long sell out run at The Edinburgh Fringe. Renowned for its gripping narrative and Ollie’s remarkable onstage presence, "The Olive Boy" has received praise from both theatre-goers and critics.
Love and Relationships: The play explores the various facets of love and relationships, from awkward sexual encounters with a first love to family life and the challenges and complexities that arise within them.
Grief: How do you cope with the loss of a loved one? Can you? Is there a coping mechanism that helps fill a sudden void in your life?
Identity and Self-Discovery: "The Olive Boy" delves into the search for identity and the profound transformations that individuals undergo as they navigate life's challenges and revelations.
Society and Expectations: The production addresses societal norms and expectations, shedding light on the impact these pressures have o
Not suitable for under 16

Dates and times

This event finished on 08 May 2024.

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